Metal Gear Solid Tricks

When fighting Psycho Mantis He will read your mind or at least your controller so if you hit/punch he will dodge it and if you try to shoot him he will fly out of the way. When he does this he's extremely difficult to beat, so here's a trick that will make him very easy to beat, put you controller in port two and every attack will hit. When you're fighting him he will say stuff like "I can't read you" and "How's this possible" and when you beat him properly he will say "you used the other port" and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the easy way to beat Mantis.

This next tip is extremely obvious but strangely enough lots of people don't know how to beat him. Well once I tell you how simple it is you'll be questioning your pitiful human existence. All you have to do is punch him, that's all there is to it. First he'll have his sword out and once you take off about a quarter of his health he'll put his sword away and say "only a fool trusts his life to a weapon" and starts punching you. After a while his suit starts to malfunction and electricity will form in a ball around him, it will grow then shrink and so on. So don't waste any time and strike him when the electricity is small.

(the two items below have to be equipped to work)

When you get to the torture you can either pass it or submit. If you pass it Meryl will live or you can submit and Meryl will die. If you pass it at the end of the game she will find a bandana on a snowmobile and will give it to you as a remembering gift. When you have this bandana, you will have infinite ammo.

When you get to the torture you can either pass it or submit. If you pass it Meryl will live or you can submit and Meryl will die. If you submit Meryl will die and you pass the game with Otacon at the end of it all he will give you his stealth suit that will make you invisible.

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