[ Video Game Database ] Archived News

I haven't got around to fixing the mailto forms yet. I've added a bunch of games to the nintendo list.

The "Games By..." section needs a bit of work. The stupid drop down list's won't work, for some reason. I think I might have to change them to basic links, because they're so stupid.

I've decided to change the submission forms to be those ordinary mailto forms. I don't know how to get the other kind working.

Hope everyone had a good easter.

Send me some feedback - I've been checking the number of visitors I've been getting. It's been over 100 most days. But I've only recived 2 e-mails and one of them was from a friend.
I just want to see what people think of the site so far, if you have any suggestions for it, and if there's anymore information you would like about anything.

Send email to vg_db@hotmail.com. I won't sell your e-mail address or anything stupid like that.

Amazing Fact! - This entie site is under 300 Kb and it fits onto a single floppy disk.

Added a bunch of stuff to the tricks section in "Super Smash Brothers".

Put some new stuff in some of the characters's gameography pages... The site's starting to take shape now

Got me a new computer, so now I can do more stuff on the new one, instead of having to wait to use the other computer.

Added some information about the Nintendo 64.

The mail forms are still down, so use plain old E-mail to send stuff: admin@vg-db.com

You can now search for: Games by Genre, Year Released, System, Developer & Number of players. Check out the "Oddments" Section in the Menu.

Notice the embossed thingy in the top corner?

Me and a friend had a go at fixing the mail forms, but we haven't got them working yet.

For those of you using old versions of IE, the background colour problem you may have noticed has been fixed.

I've changed the menu a bit, because I thought there was too much stuff in the oddments section.
I've found a problem with the submission forms, so if you sent any submissions at all, you'll have to hold the thought and send them again, when the forms are fixed, because I didn't get any of them... Sorry.
Let the updates begin!

I've added a couple more articles to the articles section.

Happy New Year.

Sod the Logo.

I've not been doing anything on this page for about a month, because I'm on holiday. I will start updating the site after Jan 18th.

More submission pages have been written. Use them to send in new game titles, or for submitting goofs or trivia.

I'm going to have a bash at making a VG-Db logo.

I now have people writing reviews for some games and they are being uploaded as they are written.
Welcome to the VG-Db.com!
A lot of the links don't work yet, but I'm uploading the files as they get written.